Ex Machina (2015) 's Review

From the beginning of this film, which is how humans can't be escaped from the name of Technology. Yes, modern humans today certainly can't be escaped from laptops, smartphones, and other things related to technology. In this film where a boss named Nathan intends to create an interface that can help people make their work easier. We all know if making an interface is not easy. In this case, the computer and its equipment must be designed in accordance with the desired needs and can help humans in their daily work (according to specific tasks given). If we talk about interfaces, it will offend the User Interface. User Interface here is more than what humans can see, touch or hear. The user interface includes concepts, user needs to know computer systems, and must be integrated into the entire system. The user interface isn't enough to just look 'good' but must be able to support tasks done by humans and has made to avoid minor mistakes.

In this film, it can be seen that the user interface is ultra modern and developed from the identification card to open the door at home or research place more precisely till the light sensor whenever the card holder has entered the room. Indeed, this technology has already been used in offices and campuses that have implemented this technology. For example Gunadarma University has implemented this technology on its campus even though not all rooms have this technology. But this proves that technology will now continue to grow again and again.

The Relationship between Human and Computer Interaction. 
In this film, the main user interface and the most important is the machine or robot. The robot created by Nathan 
must have artificial intelligence (AI). From language, thinking and getting to know the other is all the artificial
intelligence that the robot has in this film. In computer science, the robot is be programmed according to what humans 
do like sleep, walk and talk. In this film is also shows that robots have the soul of art as Ava (the name of the robot in 
the film Ex Machina)  can make a picture of what he saw. The most important here the robot created by Nathan has 
psychology as well as humans from emotions, sexuality, etc. It confirms that human and computer interactions are not 
just human beings and computers, but they are  influenced by social and organizational factors.
From this film can be learned that humans and technology are indeed interconnected and needy. Humans need 
technology to simplify their work, the technology requires humans to create and develop it. In this film we can 
also learn don't let the technology which we make is excessive, then it can be endangered human life.


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