Ex Machina (2015) 's Review

From the beginning of this film, which is how humans can't be escaped from the name of Technology. Yes, modern humans today certainly can't be escaped from laptops, smartphones, and other things related to technology. In this film where a boss named Nathan intends to create an interface that can help people make their work easier. We all know if making an interface is not easy. In this case, the computer and its equipment must be designed in accordance with the desired needs and can help humans in their daily work (according to specific tasks given). If we talk about interfaces, it will offend the User Interface. User Interface here is more than what humans can see, touch or hear. The user interface includes concepts, user needs to know computer systems, and must be integrated into the entire system. The user interface isn't enough to just look 'good' but must be able to support tasks done by humans and has made to avoid minor mistakes. In this film, it c...

View Pada Laravel Part2



Menyimpan View di dalam Sub Folder

Lokasi default untuk menyimpan file-file view adalah di folder belajarlaravel/resources/views. Jika jumlah file view masih sedikit, itu tidak menjadi masalah. Namun jika jumlah file view menjadi semakin banyak, maka akan cukup menyulitkan untuk mengaturnya.

Agar file-file view itu lebih teratur dan terorganisasi, maka kita bisa mengelompokkan di foldernya masing-masing. Folder-folder tersebut akan menjadi sub-folder di dalam folder belajarlaravel/resources/views.

View untuk halaman homepage dan about bersifat statis dan tidak banyak berubah, maka kita bisa memasukkannya dalam satu folder. Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

Langkah 1:
Buat folder bernama pages di dalam folder views, sehingga terbentuk path belajarlaravel/resources/views/pages.

Langkah 2:
Pindahkan (cut) file homepage.php dan about.php yang sudah kita buat pada tutorial sebelumnya . ke dalam folder pages .

Langkah 3:
Buka file routes.php, ubah menjadi :

Langkah 4:
Jika anda memanggil alamat http://belajarlaravel.dev dan http://belajarlaravel.dev/about , maka akan tampil halaman homepage dan about seperti pada tutorial sebelumnya . Hanya saja, sekarang lokasi file homepage.php dan about.php terletak di subfolder pages.


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